Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Our day on the road began at 8:15 this morning in the state of Maryland and within 15 minutes we were on some of the worst roads Pennsylvania has to offer.  For hours we traveled along, singing along to some tunes from the 60's.  We listened to Phlash Phelps from Sirius-XM radio discuss his city of the day, which was Salley, SC in honor of Astronaut Sally Ride who unfortunately left this universe all too soon on Monday.

Our home on wheels requires cleaning as does any home.  The companion travelers we have with us were all assigned duties to complete.  Flat Kelly had to wash dishes, Flat Karen was given latrine duty, Flat Moe did those tasks last trip so requested to have a beer and be supervisor this time and Flat Eileen took a well-deserved nap.  Dinner has been served and clean up is done.  All in all, it's been a great day.

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