Thursday, August 2, 2012

Having spent a week in Vermont, and congratulations to Dave and Tiffany, on their marriage, we move on up the Maine coast to Kennebunkport.  We are staying in the Red Apple campground.  Today August 1st, we drove the two hours to Rock Land Me. for the Lobster Festival and did enjoy the focal point of Festival, the lobster.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

We, arrived in Vermont yesterday and went to visit Sean.  Met with Terry and Eileen and Larry for lunch and headed over the mountain for Quechee Gorge and our camp for the week, Pine Valley KOA.  Was directed into sight number 2 and the fellow assisting had me park a little too far to the right and my 25ft water hose was stretched too tight, so had to pull up jacks, unhook everything and reposition about 3ft left and all is good.  We be Camping.  Had a nice visit last night with Sis in Law Kelly and her beau Mike.  Today is a casual day, need to run a couple errands and find a car wash as the saturn is filthy and needs a bath.  Will post later for those following.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Our day on the road began at 8:15 this morning in the state of Maryland and within 15 minutes we were on some of the worst roads Pennsylvania has to offer.  For hours we traveled along, singing along to some tunes from the 60's.  We listened to Phlash Phelps from Sirius-XM radio discuss his city of the day, which was Salley, SC in honor of Astronaut Sally Ride who unfortunately left this universe all too soon on Monday.

Our home on wheels requires cleaning as does any home.  The companion travelers we have with us were all assigned duties to complete.  Flat Kelly had to wash dishes, Flat Karen was given latrine duty, Flat Moe did those tasks last trip so requested to have a beer and be supervisor this time and Flat Eileen took a well-deserved nap.  Dinner has been served and clean up is done.  All in all, it's been a great day.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Today was an uneventful day.  Traffic was light, most places, and we made a steady pace, enroute to Hagerstown, Md.. We stopped at Winchester, Va. at a Flying J truck stop, to fuel and decided to have lunch after we fueled up.  We continued the last 40 miles to the Hagerstown / Antietam KOA, our stop for the night.  This camp ground has a pool and is located next to the Conococheague Creek, which flows into the Potomac River.  We usually dine in the motor home, but tonight we ate in the campgrounds restaurant, which features a 50s soda shop style, and had wings and pizza.  Delicious, I might add.  I have attached a few photos.  You may notice my bride industrially working on one of her world famous dish clothes.  Tomorrow we head out north again, to Unadilla, NY.  Will post again tomorrow.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Today, after Church this morning, my bride of 43 years and I struck out for Vermont, where we will visit most all of my bride's family and attend the wedding of a Nephew.  We will spend a few days there, camped at Quechee Gorge and will commute to visit and then we will move into the great state of Maine.  I hope to see the Maine coast and experience the taste of Maine.  Tonight we are resting at Fancy Gap KOA, in Fancy Gap, Virgina, just in Va from NC.  Tomorrow we travel up the Shenandoah Valley, to cross into Md. and plan to overnite at Hagarstown, Md.